Blog Post 4 Industry and Market Type
Apple is known as an oligopoly market structure in the competition of smart phone brands announcements, but Apple is known as monopolistic competition in the branded computers.Monopolistic competition in which many sellers are producing highly differentiate products. Apple has been able to maintain their position because its too costly of difficult for any rivalry to enter the industry.
There are a lot of different kinds of competition for Apple but not too many of them are close to Apple. Apple is a multi-billionaire company so they buy all there sources from foreign countries and they can buy all there material thats used to make the devices wholesale, that way they can set there own prices on their items. Oligopolies don't have to settle for industry prices and are often able to set their own price.
Apple is able to keep there manufacturing prices low which helps them keep all close competitors out and keep Apple in the number one. There are a lot of competitors for Apple but not a ton of close ones, Microsoft and Apple used to be clients but things slowly started to go bad because they were each others competition and Apple is now beating Microsoft but they are right there behind Apple with computers, the Microsoft computers weren't made as good as Apple's were but people didn't really seem to care too much as long as the computers were cheaper. Apple really passed Microsoft once they decided to bring out there first iPhone, then after Microsoft noticed how much that brought Apple up Microsoft decided to bring out there first phone as well but there not as popular as the Apple iPhones.
I think for Apple to produce and maximize there profit, they need to spend a lot of time on a new phone or some device and advertise it for a while before its coming out and have videos on it and everything but make them really expensive at first and see how well it sells at a certain price, and once sales go down then slowly start dropping the price and see where the popular price is where you're still making plenty of money.
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